BATTLEMODE | Friday Night Fights Invitational | July 10 Recap

By: Parker Wilhelm


Our weekly BATTLEMODE brawls crank up a gear with the Friday Night Fights Invitational! Catch the best community players around as they fight for the top spot in the Finals in this special multi-week showdown!


DE FNF Invitational Week 4 Rankings

Featured Matchup

DE FNF Invitational Jul 10 in-body

Check out our featured match for this round of the Invitational, starring MISS HEARTBEAT as the Slayer versus MOON MAROONED and NERO_REDGRAVE.


Get ready for the next featured battle as BYTEME takes on the role of the Slayer versus the Demonic Duo of SWAN SONGand NZTA!

DE FNF 07 17 in-body

Learn more about the Friday Night Fights Invitational series in our and be sure to catch the action as it unfolds on !

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