BATTLEMODE | Friday Night Fights Invitational | June 26 Recap

By: Parker Wilhelm


Our weekly BATTLEMODE brawls crank up a gear with the Friday Night Fights Invitational! Catch the best community players around as they fight for the top spot in the Finals in this special multi-week showdown!


DE FNF Invitational Week 2 Rankings

Featured Matchup

DE FNF Invitational Jun-26 in-body

Check out our featured match for this round of the Invitational, starring TENSEKO as the Slayer versus SHLIPPI and PINOCCHIOH.


Get ready for the next featured battle as TOMATRIX takes on the role of the Slayer versus the Demonic Duo of KRONIIDand CONJUGATE!

DE FNF Invitational Jul 03 in-body

Learn more about the Friday Night Fights Invitational series in our and be sure to catch the action as it unfolds on !

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