DOOM Eternal Development Update
By: Marty Stratton

With E3 2021 finished and our Update 6 just released, we want to provide you an update on our latest work and plans for DOOM Eternal in the months ahead.
In March, we marked DOOM Eternal’s one-year anniversary with the release of our second campaign expansion, The Ancient Gods – Part Two. Together, both of The Ancient Gods expansions deliver some of the most engaging and exciting gameplay the series has offered, as well as an epic conclusion to the Slayer saga that we began in DOOM (2016). The Ancient Gods – Part One is also now available for Nintendo Switch and we expect to release Part Two later this year.
On June 29th, we were thrilled to deliver Update 6. You can read the complete list of additions and improvements at, but we’re particularly excited to offer impressive new video options for next-gen consoles, as well as improved visuals with ray tracing on Xbox Series X, PlayStation 5 and compatible PC hardware. The free update includes the Taras Nabad Master Level, with new challenges and rewards for both standard and classic modes. BATTLEMODE players can enjoy a new map as well as improvements to bandwidth utilization that should improve server performance and mitigate hitching on all platforms.
As many are aware, we intended to release a free Invasion Mode update for the game; however, the unforeseen consequences of the pandemic and remote working impacted the progress of development for this addition. Over this time, we have also seen and heard how many of you enjoy the range of gameplay and combat available in the expansions and master levels. With these factors in mind, we have decided to redirect our focus from Invasion Mode to creating a totally new single-player horde mode. We’re confident this horde mode will offer you more of the diversity and challenge you’re looking for in the game. In addition, the team continues to work on a refresh of BATTLEMODE that includes a more competitive, rank-based structure, a number of gameplay and balance updates and another new map. We expect to share more information at QuakeCon in August.
Finally, I want to emphasize how immensely proud I am of all that our teams at id and Bethesda have accomplished. It’s incredibly hard to believe that we haven’t seen each other in person since before DOOM Eternal launched more than fifteen months ago and, despite the obstacles created by the pandemic and remote working, dozens of updates and additions have been created, tested, released and supported from our homes. Throughout it all, we’ve continued to be inspired and energized by your incredible support and enthusiasm for the game – so from each of us, thank you.
Marty Stratton
Executive Producer, DOOM Eternal
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